cfxdx - dm:recall

Recall or retrieve the data from saved named dataset

dm:recall: This cfxdm tag allows the user to recall or retrieve the data from a selected saved named dataset.

dm:recall syntax:

  • name (mandatory): Name of the dataset to recall - name = '<named-dataset-name>'

  • cache (optional): Cache the result for future recalls. 'yes' or 'no' - cache = '<yes or no>' (default is 'no').

  • cache_refresh_seconds (optional): cache_refresh_seconds = '<seoncds>' (default 120 seconds). Refresh the cache (if new update available) after specified seconds

  • return_empty (optional): Return an empty dataframe if an error occurs loading the dataset - return_empty = '<yes or no>' (default is 'no').

  • empty_df_columns (optional): Comma seperated list of columns for empty dataframe.

Use dm:savedlist tag to list saved datasets

tag @dm:savedlist

Use dm:recall tag to retrieve the data from named dataset which was saved before using dm:save tag.

tag @dm:recall
data name = 'vrops-alerts'

Last updated