Mac OS
RDA software installation on Mac OS
Note: Please check the Installation Prerequisites before you proceed.
Run the below commands to verify currently installed RDA prerequisites.
Note: Please make sure the below commands are in the PATH variable in the user's login profile.
Step 1: Request software by contacting The following procedure assumes you received the download link.
Download the 'rda-docker-compose-with-ssl.tar' software package.
Step 2: Create a virtual environment using python3
Step 3: Source virtual env that was created in Step 2 as shown below.
Step 4: Install docker-compose tool needed to install RDA as shown below
Note: Make sure docker-compose is installed properly
Step 5: Extract the 'rda-docker-compose-with-ssl.tar' software package under the user's home directory or some other directory.
Step 3: Run python script as shown below.
Note: The creates a directory called 'cfx' under user's home directory for configuration files and exported files. (Ex: /home/<userid>/cfx)
Below are the 'RDA' directory locations and their purpose.
/home/<userid>/cfx/cfxdx/config --> Location of the conf.yml file where many datasource credentials and other settings are configured.
/home/<userid>/cfx/cfxdx/output --> Location of the exported CSV / Excel / JSON files
Step 4: To access 'RDA' interface, open up a browser and enter the URL as https://ipaddress:9998
Note: Access RDA using https://<rda-ip-address>:9998/
The default user name is rdademo and the password is rdademo1234
Note: Default username/password can be changed from docker-compose.yml file under RDA install directory.
Step 4: Accessing RDA Page
Install RDA Datanetwork Components (Optional)
The following steps explain how to install Kafka/Zookeeper components needed for RDA Data network bots. Download docker-compose file required to install Kafka/Zookeeper and use the below steps to start Kafka/zookeeper docker instances (these instances in turn will be used by RDA runtime) bash# cd /home/macaw/ bash# mkdir -p kafka-zookeeper bash# cd kafka-zookeeper bash# wget <docker-compose-file> bash# <edit the file and add the ipaddress or FQDN of RDA machine> bash# docker-compose pull bash# docker-compose up -d In addition to the above steps, make sure you enable the following ports
Upgrade RDA
Step 1: Make sure the docker (desktop) environment is intact as per RDA installation prereqs. Also, docker-compose is available to the user (as shown in the below screenshot).
Step 2: Go to the directory where RDA was previously installed.
Step 3: Make sure RDA is up and running. This can be verified by running the docker command as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 4: Go to the directory where RDA was installed and also, docker-compose.yml is available (as shown in the below screenshot).
Step 5: Using the docker-compose command 'docker-compose down' and bring down the RDA instances that are running in your environment as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 6: Using the docker-compose command, upgrade RDA using the 'docker-compose pull' command as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 7: Start RDA upgraded instance using 'docker-compose up -d' as shown in the below screenshot.
Access RDA using https://<IPAddress>:9998 and verify the latest version.
Last updated