RDA CLI in UI Terminal
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RDA CLI in UI Terminal
Last updated
RDA UI provides a built-in terminal which allows user to access RDA CLI.
Please note that both tags and bots are interchangeably used.
After entering the RDA CLI terminal, enter 'help' command to see all available commands and their usage.
Below are the usage details for each command.
browse: Shows the last data frame into the default browser. It can be invoked using the short command 'br'
cap: List all bots and their declared capabilities.
get-data: It can read and fetch the data from the selected bot
data-update: It can update (write-back) the data into the selected bot
data-stream: It can stream the data in chunks from the select bot until the data exhaustion. It is primarily used in ML (Machine Learning) use cases.
count: It allows to query the data and returns the count of matched rows from the query.
Run 'cap' command and specify extension type to view it's specific available bots and their capabilities. (ex: cap vrops / appdynamics / vmware-vcenter etc..)
check: It checks and verifies network access and the provided credentials for all or selected extensions or data-sources.
Run 'check' commands without any arguments verifies access for all extensions or data-sources.
For some extension types (like file, control, etc..), the status shows as 'Does not use any credentials' which means, these extensions do not require any credentials & network details to access the data from them.
conf: It shows the current configuration of the selected bot. Before running this command, you need to select one of the available bot.
limit: Limit defines max no of records (or rows) to be retrieved while querying the data. By default it is set to 1000. To remove the limit of 1000, set it to 0. It means, it will retrieve all of the available records from the selected bot.
Caution: Data query may take minutes to hours when the selected bot has thousand or millions of records when the limit is set to 0. Additionally, limit the query scope by applying filters from the source. For basic data exploration, leave the limit setting with defaults or adjust it accordingly.
page: Limits or set the page size (retrieve no of records / rows per page) for paginated queries. The default value is set to 50.
plugins: Lists all of the available and loaded plugins with in the RDA service. It means the listed plugin is supported as an extension and available to use.
S.No | Plugin | Module |
1 | aiaexpress | cfxdx_ext_aiaexpress.aiaexpress_source.AiaexpressSource |
2 | appdynamics | cfxdx_ext_appdynamics.appdynamics_source.AppdynamicsSource |
3 | aws | cfxdx_ext_aws.aws_source.AWS_Source |
4 | aws-cloudwatch | cfxdx_ext_aws_cloudwatch.awscw_source.AWSCW_Source |
5 | azure | cfxdx_ext_azure.azure_source.AZURE_Source |
6 | azure-insights | cfxdx_ext_azure_insights.azurein_source.AZUREIN_Source |
7 | cfxai_classification | cfxdx_ext_cfxai_classification.cfxai_classification_source.Cfxai_ClassificationSource |
8 | cfxai_regression | cfxdx_ext_cfxai_regression.cfxai_regression_source.CFXAI_RegressionSource |
9 | cfxdm | cfxdx_ext_cfxdm.cfxdm_source.CfxdmSource |
10 | cisco-support | cfxdx_ext_cisco_support.cisco_source.CiscoSource |
11 | cloud_defense | cfxdx_ext_cloud_defense.cloud_defense_source.CloudDefense_Source |
12 | consul | cfxdx_ext_consul.consul_source.Consul_Source |
13 | control | cfxdx.controls.ctrl_tags_source.ControlTagSource |
14 | datagen | cfxdx_ext_datagen.datagen_source.DatagenSource |
15 | datanetwork | cfxdx_ext_datanetwork.datanetwork_source.DatanetworkSource |
16 | dynatrace | cfxdx_ext_dynatrace.dynatrace_source.DynatraceSource |
17 | elasticsearch | cfxdx_ext_elasticsearch.es_source.ES_Source |
18 | email_reader | cfxdx_ext_email.email_source.ReadEmailSource |
19 | email_sender | cfxdx_ext_email.email_source.EmailSource |
20 | file | cfxdx_ext_file.csvfile_source.FileSource |
21 | hdfs | cfxdx_ext_hdfs.hdfs_source.HDFS_Source |
22 | ibm_watson | cfxdx_ext_ibm_watson.ibm_watson_source.IBM_Watson_Source |
23 | istio | cfxdx_ext_istio.kiali_source.Kiali_Source |
24 | jira | cfxdx_ext_jira.jira_source.JIRA_Source |
25 | kafka | cfxdx_ext_kafka.kafka_source.Kafka_Source |
26 | meraki | cfxdx_ext_meraki.meraki_source.Meraki_Source |
27 | mysql | cfxdx_ext_mysql.mysql_source.MysqlSource |
28 | nagios | cfxdx_ext_nagios.nagios_source.NagiosSource |
29 | openai | cfxdx_ext_openai.openai_source.OpenAI_Source |
30 | oracle | cfxdx_ext_oracle.oracle_source.OracleSource |
31 | prometheus | cfxdx_ext_prometheus.prom_source.PrometheusSource |
32 | prtg | cfxdx_ext_prtg.prtg_source.PrtgSource |
33 | restclient | cfxdx_ext_restclient.rest_source.RESTClientSource |
34 | rubrik | cfxdx_ext_rubrik.rubrik_source.RubrikSource |
35 | servicenow | cfxdx_ext_servicenow.snow_source.ServiceNow_Source |
36 | slack | cfxdx_ext_slack.slack_source.Slack_Source |
37 | splunk | cfxdx_ext_splunk.splunk_source.Splunk_Source |
38 | sqlite | cfxdx_ext_sqlite.sqlite_source.SqliteSource |
39 | teamcity | cfxdx_ext_teamcity.teamcity_source.TeamCity_Source |
40 | vmware-vcenter | cfxdx_ext_vmware.vmware_source.VMWare_Source |
41 | vrops | cfxdx_ext_vrops.vrops_source.VROps_Source |
42 | webhook | cfxdx_ext_webhook.webhook_source.WebhookSource |
You can check for available plugins in your environment by running following command at terminal.
> plugins
A sample screen is as seen below.
source: Lists all of the available and configured extensions / datasources along with their bots and capabilities.
bots: To list all of the available bots from different extensions. To show available bots for a specific extension / datasource, enter 'bots <ext_name>'
bot: To switch to a specified 'bot'. Run 'bots' command to see all of the available bots.
sink: Lists all of the available bots that supports data-update capability (write the data) from a different datasource.
meta: Queries and lists available columns (schema) within the selected bot. Select a bot before running this command.
meta command is not supported for all bots. For unsupported tags, to view the available columns, set the limit to 10, run 'data' (or supported query within the bot) and press 'c' within the table.
viz: It allows user to visualize the data after retrieving the data using a query from the selected bot. By default, after the data query, it opens data visualization in tabular form automatically. However, when you quit (using 'q' key) from the visualization table, in order to visualize the data again, you can execute 'viz' command to get back into the visual tabular view.
Note: After executing the query through 'data' which retrieves the data for the selected bot, it caches the retrieved data in memory until the current bot is switched to another bot or 'data' query is executed again with in the selected bot.
pipe: It is primarily is used to manage data pipeline configuration and executions.
eval: It evaluates the specified command which allows the user to use and run python functions/expressions within the dataframe management commands.