cfxdm - dm:sort
Sort the data in ascending or descending order
Last updated
Sort the data in ascending or descending order
Last updated
dm:sort: This cfxdm tag allows the user to sort the data for a given column(s) in ascending or descending order.
dm:sort syntax: It supports the below arguments
columns (mandatory). It accepts one or more column names. If more than one column is specified, use comma as a separator.
order (optional). Supported values are 'ascending' or 'descending'. When not specified, default applied sort order is 'ascending'
dm:sort columns = 'COLUMN_A,COLUMN_B,..'
dm:sort columns = 'COLUMN_A,COLUMN_B,..' & order = 'ascending/descending'
In the below example, for a reference, we are going to use VMware vROps as an extension to query the data and ingest it into dm:sort tag for applying the sort capability.
Enter the below command to select VMware vROps VM Summary tag (*vrops:vm_summary). (In this example, vrops name is used as a label to identify VMware vROps extension and it's tags. The label is defined while adding the extension in cfxdx configuration file or through UI.)
Example 1: Sort the selected column. (ascending order)
Get the data from VMware vROps VM Summary tag (*vrops:vm_summary) which includes some of the below columns, sort the data by 'datastore' column.
Column Names:
Below command queries the data from vROps vm_summary tag and sorts the data by column name 'datastore' in ascending order. (when 'order' (optional) param is not specified, it sorts in ascending order by default).
Example 2: Sort the selected column. (descending order)
Get the data from VMware vROps VM Summary tag (*vrops:vm_summary) which includes some of the below columns, sort the data by 'datastore' column.
Column Names:
Below command queries the data from vROps vm_summary tag and sorts the data by column name 'datastore' in descending order.
Example 3: Sort the selected multiple columns. (descending order)
Get the data from VMware vROps VM Summary tag (*vrops:vm_summary) which includes some of the below columns, sort the data by 'guest_full_name' and 'datastore' columns.
Column Names:
Below command queries the data from vROps vm_summary tag and sorts the data by both column names 'guest_full_name' and 'datastore' in descending order.