Home Page Navigation
Home Page Navigation
Once Logged in, the user is presented with 'Featured Applications', the user has access to. The featured applications varies depending on the user role.
Throughout this document, Main Menu refers to left top hamburger menu as shown in Fig1, 1.
Applications are rectangular clickable areas as shown in Fig1,2.
One can logout of the application anytime by selecting Logout from Logout Menu (Fig1,3).
1. Main Menu
Logged User - Shows the user who is currently logged in.
Featured Applications - At any point of time, the user can navigate back to 'Featured Applications' to navigate to another application.
My Dashboard displays the personalized dashboard. Throughout the application, the user can add important dashboard / reports where available on context menu.
My Tasks are the tasks assigned to the user to complete. For example, uploading a file, etc.
Configuration allows further configuration tasks normally performed by the administrator. For detailed Configuration tasks and instructions, click here.
Administration is visible only to administrators to perform administrative tasks like creating Managed Service Providers, setting up authentication servers (like LDAP), Managing dashboards, etc. For detailed administration tasks and instructions, click here.
Last updated