HW Assets
Hardware (HW) Assets are displayed in this dashboard. It is one of the dashboard with plenty of filtering down options on the assets based on the need and some of the features are as explained blow.
The HW dashboard is very rich with information provided in various views. The following summerizes some of the information.
Top bar (Fig1,1) - Displays Hardware contracts totals , total contracts expiring in defined number of quarters, etc.
It is a notification (Fig1,2) and when clicked it expands to display. An example Notification view is as shown below.
Filters (Fig1,3).
Various Tabs to be selected to show detailed information. The information provided on tabs are a) Assets by POR, b) Assets Utilization, c) Assets by Product, d) Assets by Location, e) Assets by EOL/EOS, f) Assets by Replacement Parts
Visual Display(Fig1,5) of information of selected tabs in previous step.
Fig1, 6 right side view displays assets by family.
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