cfxdm - dm:describe

Show column statistics

dm:describe: This cfxdm tag allows the user to select one or more columns and provides below summarized statistics on the values within them.

  • count: Total count of the values within a column

  • unique: Total unique count of the values within a column

  • top: The top value out of all unique values which is repeated compared to others

  • freq: The number of times the top unique is repeated

  • mean: The mean out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • std: The standard deviation out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • min: The minimum value out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • 25%: 25% percentile out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • 50%: 50% percentile out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • 75%: 75% percentile out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

  • max: The maximum value out of all of the values (applies to rows that only has numeric values)

dm:describe syntax:

  • columns (optional). Specify a column or columns (comma separated) on which 'describe' to be applied.

In the below example, for a reference, we are going to use VMware vROps as an extension to query the data and ingest it into dm:selectcolumns to select specific columns using include/exclude or both together.

Enter the below command to select VMware vROps Alerts tag (@vrops:alerts). (In this example, vrops name is used as a label to identify VMware vROps extension and it's tags. The label is defined while adding the extension in cfxdx configuration file or through UI)

tag @vrops:alerts

Example 1: Show describe statistics on all of the columns from the selected tag.

Get the data from VMware vROps Alerts tag (@vrops:alerts) and ingest the data into the dm:describe tag to see the statistics. (above mentioned in this document). Below are the columns from the vrops:alerts extension tag.

  • alertDefinitionId

  • alertDefinitionName

  • alertId

  • alertImpact

  • alertLevel

  • cancelTimeUTC

  • controlState

  • links

  • resourceId

  • startTimeUTC

  • status

  • subType

  • suspendUntilTimeUTC

  • type

  • updateTimeUTC

data --> dm:describe

Example 2: Show describe statistics on selective columns from the selected tag.

Get the data from VMware vROps Alerts tag (@vrops:alerts) and ingest the data into the dm:describe tag to see the statistics on the below selected columns. (above mentioned in this document)

  • alertDefinitionName

  • startTimeUTC

data --> dm:describe columns = 'alertDefinitionName,startTimeUTC'

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