RDA - Configuration

RDA service reads and loads the configuration from config.yml file. It's location is under ~/cfx/cfxdx/config directory. As part of the installation, it comes with some default configuration settings defined within the config.yml file.

Below are the configuration settings within the config.yml file of RDA service.

multisource: yes  

    host: <rda-host-ip>:9000
    secure: false
    access_key: <minio-access-key>
    secret_key: <minio-secret-key>
    data_saver_type: minio
    data_saver_local_path: /tmp/cfxdm_saved_data/
    data_saver_minio_bucket_name: cfxdx-data
    data_saver_minio_object_prefix: cfxdm-saved-data/

# Data Extensions or Datasource integrations

# ServiceNow extension. Integration for Tickets, Change Requests and CMDB data
- name: snow
  type: servicenow
  instance: "<instance-name>"
  username: "<username>"
  password: "<password>"
  $secure: [ "instance", "username", "password" ]
  - tag: incidents
    table: incident
    label: ServiceNow Incidents
    update-mode: append
      mandatory: [ "short_description", "description"]
      optional: []
  - tag: incidents-update
    table: incident
    label: ServiceNow Incidents
    update-mode: update
      ids: [ "number" ]
      data: [ "short_description",  "description" ]
  - tag: change-requests
    table: change_request
    label: ServiceNow Change Requests
  - tag: cmdb-config-items
    table: cmdb_ci
    label: ServiceNow CMDB All Configuration Items
  - tag: cmdb-computers
    table: cmdb_ci_computer
    label: ServiceNow CMDB Computers
  - tag: cmdb-network
    table: cmdb_ci_netgear
    label: ServiceNow CMDB Network
    update-mode: append
      mandatory: [ "name", "model_id", "ip_address" ]

# SQLite extension.
- name: mylocaldb
  type: sqlite
  dbpath: '/tmp/output/mydb.db'
  - tag: table1
    table: table1
    update-mode: append
  - tag: table2
    table: table2
    update-mode: replace

# Local file extension. To explore and visualize the data from CSV files.
- name: localfiles
  type: file

# CloudFabrix Machine Learning (ML) extension for Clustering & Prediction.
- type: cfxai_clustering
  name: cfxusml
  - tag: logclustering
    type: cluster
    cluster_columns: [ "description" ]
    pickle_path: /tmp/output/models/clustering/
    minimum_cluster_size: 50
    minimum_sample_size: 1
  - tag: logprediction
    type: predict
    cluster_columns: [ "description" ]
    pickle_path: /tmp/output/models/clustering/

# CloudFabrix Machine Learning (ML) extension for Regression analysis.
- type: cfxai_regression
  name: cfxml
  - tag: '1hour'
    frequency: '1H'
    timestamp-column: timestamp
    timestamp-format: 'ms'
    value-column: value

# CloudFabrix Machine Learning (ML) extension for Classification.
- name: cfxsml
  type: cfxai_classification
  - tag: classification-working
    type: classify
    input_nlp_columns: [ "Summary" ]
    target_column: "Issue Type"
    pickle_path: /tmp/output/models/issues/
  - tag: classificationprediction
    type: predict
    pickle_path: /tmp/output/models/issues/classifier.pickle

Configuration parameter details:

Parameter Name

Parameter Description


Global parameter. Valid values are 'yes' (default) or 'no'. When multiple extensions or datasources need to be integrated, set it to 'yes'. It is a mandatory parameter.


Global parameter. Allows to define one or more extensions or datasources for integration. It is a mandatory parameter.

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