Linux OS
RDA software installation on Linux OS
Last updated
RDA software installation on Linux OS
Last updated
Note: Please check the Installation Prerequisites before you proceed.
Run the below commands to verify currently installed RDA prerequisites.
Note: Please make sure the below commands are in the PATH variable in the user's login profile.
Step 1: Request software by contacting The following procedure assumes you received the download link.
Download the 'rda-docker-compose-with-ssl.tar' software package.
Step 2: Extract the 'rda-docker-compose-with-ssl.tar' software package under the user's home directory or some other directory.
Step 3: Run python script as shown below.
Note: The creates a directory called 'cfx' under user's home directory for configuration files and exported files. (Ex: /home/macaw/cfx)
Below are the 'RDA' directory locations and their purpose.
/home/macaw/cfx/cfxdx/config --> Location of the conf.yml file where many datasource credentials and other settings are configured.
/home/macaw/cfx/cfxdx/output --> Location of the exported CSV / Excel / JSON files
Step 4: To access 'RDA' interface, open up a browser and enter the URL as https://ipaddress:9998
Note: If firewall service is running, enable port 9998/tcp to access RDA service through a browser.
Note: If firewall service is running, enable port 9998/tcp to access RDA service through a browser.
This section provides additional steps to deploy RDA on Ubuntu OS (Certified on 18.04).
Using the currently logged-in user, run the following commands to make sure the user has sufficient permissions.
If the above command throws an error 'permission denied error', run the following command to provide sufficient privileges to the currently logged-in user to run docker (Skip this step if the command does not throw permission denied error or the user has sufficient privileges/permissions).
Run the following commands to install docker-compose for the currently logged-in user.
Note: Access RDA using https://<rda-ip-address>:9998/
The default user name is rdademo and the password is rdademo1234
Note: Default username/password can be changed from docker-compose.yml file under RDA install directory.
Step 4: Accessing RDA Page
The following steps explain how to install Kafka/Zookeeper components needed for RDA Data network bots. Download docker-compose file required to install Kafka/Zookeeper and use the below steps to start Kafka/zookeeper docker instances (these instances in turn will be used by RDA runtime) bash# cd /home/macaw/ bash# mkdir -p kafka-zookeeper bash# cd kafka-zookeeper bash# wget <docker-compose-file> bash# <edit the file and add the ipaddress or FQDN of RDA machine> bash# docker-compose pull bash# docker-compose up -d In addition to the above steps, make sure you enable the following ports
Step 1: Make sure the docker (desktop) environment is intact as per RDA installation prereqs. Also, docker-compose is available to the user (as shown in the below screenshot).
Step 2: Go to the directory where RDA was previously installed.
Step 3: Make sure RDA is up and running. This can be verified by running the docker command as shown in the below screen shot.
Step 4: Go to the directory where RDA is installed and also, docker-compose.yml is available (as shown in the below screenshot).
Step 5: Using the docker-compose command 'docker-compose down' and bring down the RDA instances that are running in your environment as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 6: Using the docker-compose command, upgrade RDA using the 'docker-compose pull' command as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 7: Start RDA upgraded instance using 'docker-compose up -d' as shown in the below screen shot.
Step 8: Verify the RDA docker instances to be up-and-running using the 'docker ps -a' command as shown below screenshot.
Access RDA using https://<IPAddress>:9998 and verify the latest version.