Data mapping - cfxdm - dm:functions

Data manipulation and transformation using RDA functions

dm:functions: This cfxdm tag provides very comprehensive data manipulation & transformation functions and below are the details about them and their usage.

  • any_non_null: Returns any non-null value from a list of input values, @param value is optional, if not specified, returns None when none of the listed values meet the criteria. Input must be a list (else treated as a single item list).

  • concat: Adds prefix and suffix to the specified string, @param prefix type is string (optional). @param suffix type is a string (optional). Input must be a string. If the input is null, it is treated as ' '

  • datetime: Parses input string and converts into an epoch milliseconds format number. Input must be a string. @param tzmap: type dict (optional). Dictionary of timezone mappings from custom/local to standard timezones. @param expr: type string (optional). A custom timestamp format with UTC/local timezone.

  • evaluate: Given an expression evaluates the expression string. If performed on the dataframe row, it evaluates by passing the row as a dictionary. If performed on a single value, it expects an additional argument 'key' to be used in the expression. @param expr: The expression to evaluate. @param key: An optional 'key' if evaluated on a single value instead of a dictionary.

  • fixed: Returns a fixed value specified by the 'value' parameter. @param value Type can be string or number. Input can be of any type.

  • formDecode: Decodes input string to remove any URL encoded values. Requires no parameters. Input must be a string.

  • highest: Returns highest non-null value from the list of integer values. @param default (optional), Type int. If provided none of the input values are non-null, returns default Input must be a number or list of numbers.

  • hours_between: Number of hours between two datetime strings. If only one specified, compare diff between now and that timestamp.

  • join: Joins input list using an optional separator. @param sep (optional), default value is ' ' . Input is expected to be a list. If the input is not a list, it returns the value without joining.

  • jsonDecode: Decodes input string into JSON object. Requires no parameters. Input must be a string.

  • lower: Converts to lowercase text, requires no parameters. Input must be a string.

  • lowest: Returns lowest non-null value from the list of int values. @param default (optional), Type int. If provided none of the input values are non-null, returns default, Input must be a number or list of numbers.

  • map_values: Maps input value using the specified name value dictionary. If no values match and ""*"" key is provided, it returns the ""*"" key's values, or else the original value will be maintained. Input must be a string.

  • match: Matches a regular expression and extracts a specific value (if matched). @param expr Type string. Regular expression @param flags List of optional flags (A I M L S X) Input must be a string.

  • minutes_between: Number of minutes between two date-time strings. If only one is specified, it compares the difference between it and the current timestamp.

  • replace: Replaces old value with new value in the input string @param oldvalue, Type string. @param new value, Type string. Input must be a string.

  • seconds_between: Number of seconds between two datetime strings. If only one is specified, it compares the difference between it and the current timestamp.

  • slice: Slices a string or an array using specified indices. @param from-index Type int. Default value 0 @param to-index Type int. The default value is None. Input can be a string or a list. If neither, it converts input to a string.

  • split: Splits the input using specified 'sep' separator. @param sep Type string. Optional. Default any whitespace characters. Input must be a string.

  • strip: Strips white spaces from both sides of a string, Requires no parameters. Input must be a string.

  • timediff:

  • to_numeric: Convert input value into numeric

  • ts_to_datetimestr: Processes input number with specified 'unit' (s,ms,ns,excel_date) and converts the value to datetime string specified by 'format', default is ISO format. Input must be a float or int. @param 'unit' (Type string), must be s,ms,ns,excel_date, default is 'ms' @param 'format' (Type string), default is None (ISO format)

  • upper: Converts to uppercase text Requires no parameters. Input must be a string.

  • valueRef: Extracts a specific item from the input dictionary object. @param path A dot '.' delineated path to the element within the dictionary, Input must be dictionary object.

  • when_null: If the specified value is null, it uses the value as per 'value' param @param value Type can be string or number. Input can be of any type.

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