cfxdm - dm:bin
Grouping the data in different bins
Last updated
Grouping the data in different bins
Last updated
dm:bin: This cfxdm tag allows the user to group the numerical data into different bins,
What is data binning ? : Binning is a way to group numbers that are continuous values into a smaller number groups which are called as "bins". For example, if you have data about a group of people, you might want to arrange their ages into a smaller number of age groups. (5-15 years, 20-35 years, 45-65 years etc..)
dm:bin syntax:
column (mandatory): Column name which has numerical values
bins (mandatory): comma separated numerical range values
In the below example, for a reference, we are going to use VMware vCenter as an extension to query the data from VMs tag and their disk size.
Enter the below command to select VMware vCenter VMs tag (*vcenter:vms). (In this example, vcenter name is used as a label to identify VMware vCenter extension and it's tags. The label is defined while adding the extension in cfxdx configuration file or through UI)
Get VM's list and limit the ouput to VM's Name, Disk Size in KB and VM's BIOS UUID and save it as named dataset. (vm-disk-size)
Recall the named dataset (vm-disk-size) and convert the disk size to MB. (use dm:recall tag for the below query)
Create the 'bins' for VM's disk size which fall between 40000,75000,100000,150000,200000 MB in size. (use dm:recall tag for the below query)