Authentical Server

How to Add Authentication Server (Active Directory / LDAP)

Adding Authentication Server (Active Directory)

Navigation: Main Menu (Left)(Fig1, 1) -> Administration(Fig1, 2) -> Authentication Servers (Fig1, 3).

Click '+' to add new authentication server as shown in Fig 2

The following add Authentication Server view is shown.

  1. Name

  2. Server IP or Host Name

  3. use SSL - Check this box, if SSL is required.

  4. Protocol - Select either LDAP or Active Directory

  5. Port

  6. Base BN (Only Applicable for LDAP) and not captured when Active Directory is selected.

  7. Principal DN Format

  8. User Search Filter Format

  9. Username (Fully distinguished name)

  10. Password

  11. Test Connection (After entering above values) To test the details entered are valid

  12. Add - To save the values so that these are available whenever user needs to be authenticated while logging in.

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