Deployment of cfxEdgeCollector
The following explains deployment of cfxEdgeCollector
The following are pre-requisites for the deployment of cfxEdgeCollector.
Virtual Machine or Bare Metal Host
CentOS/RHEL Operating System - 7.6 or above
Docker Software - 18.03.1-ce or above
Virtual Machine or Bare metal server resource requirements
CPU -- 2 vCPU
RAM -- 8GB
Storage -- 50GB
Sudo privileges to the user
Configure CentOS operating system to allow port 8888 on the host (using firewall command).
CloudFabrix alternatively provides a VMWare based virtual machine (OVF) that can be used for deploying cfxEdgeCollector.
Installation of cfxEdgeCollector
Download the cfxEdgeCollector software package to the user's home directory. The filename and format is cfxedgecollector-<version-number>.tar.gz (e.g. cfxedgecollector-1.0.30.tar.gz).
Run the below command to install cfxEdgeCollector software. (Note: Replace the cfxEdgeCollector software package file name with an approrpiate one)
Create the following directory structure on the system where cfxEdgeCollector will be installed.
Job Directory (jobs) - cfxEdgeCollector uses this directory to store all user-defined job configuration.
Data Directory (data) - cfxEdgeCollector uses this directory to store all the collected inventory data of a job.
Exported Directory (exporteddata) - cfxEdgeCollector uses this directory to store inventory data that will be exported to back-end applications (cfxAIA).
Backup Directory (backup) - cfxEdgeCollector uses this directory to store backup data.
Config Directory (config) - cfxEdgeCollector uses this directory to store customer configurations
Execute the following commands to create the directories.
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