cfxAIA has Filter functionality built into application.
Filters are available at the top of the dashboards or pages when you are navigating across cfxAIA application. Filters allow users to filter the results based on conditions across all the views displayed in a dashboard page.
Wherever a user sees the following bar Fig1 (Filters bar) in any dashboard or UI functionality, you can use the filtering functionality (in the context of that UI / Dashboard or Pages).
Various filtering options displayed in Fig1 Filter Bar are explained below.
Click '+' icon to expand property selection bar (Fig1) and to enter values at 7, 8 and 9 as described .
Clear Filters will clear current user selected or applied filter.
Save current filter - This selection opens up new view to capture filter name and also, to save the user selected filter (in the context).
Saved Filters - Retrieve existing /previously saved filters
Shared Filters - Filters shared across the customer by users are shown here.
Recently Used Filters - Allows to browse through recently used filters and allows to reapply a filter to filter the displayed results.
Property - You can use 'Any' or select various property names (column names) shown from a drop down menu. For example, if a user wants to filter the results by IP address, then a user can choose IP address as Property field. Similarly, other properties are displayed to the user to select/apply those properties in filtering displayed results.
Operation - allows a use to apply conditional operator like equals, not equals, etc on a value.
Enter a Value - User can enter the filtering value for example. if a user is filtering results by IP Address, then enter IP address value (e.g so that results are displayed based on the Operation selection in the previous step.
Display Label - Allows a user to give a name to filter so that it is easy to recollect and reapply the filter.
Add - cfxAIA will apply the filtering condition on the value user has selected.
Close - Close bottom filtering property /condition applying bar.
Few examples are provided below :
Before applying the filters, the overall view will be as follows:
Let us select an asset with a sample IP address and let us view information related to the IP address.
1) First click on '+' on filter bar as shown below Fig3.
Now after clicking on '+', the filter criteria selection bar is as shown below.
2) Select Property, Operation and Enter Value. Enter Display Label as shown in Fig5.
3) Click on Add to apply the filter rule to query cfxAIA system to get the results. Now the results (Fig6) show only the asset matching the IP address as defined above (fed by the user as a filter rule).
4) In oder to save this filter for later use click on Save Filter (Fig1, 3). A Pop up is displayed to capture a name to the filter that will be saved by cfxAIA for later use. Let us call it "filter by IP 5.112"
A Notification is displayed mentioning the filter was saved successfully (Fig7)
5) Now to retrieve the filter, click on saved Filters (Fig1, 4).
All user saved filters are shown. A user can apply the filter by selecting Apply (Fig8, 1). A user can also share the filter(s) across the organization/users (shared to all users who are part of same organization) by selecting Share (Fig8,2), delete a saved filter by clicking on Delete (Fig8, 3). A user can close this view anytime by clicking on Close(Fig8,4) action.
6) One can navigate to shared filters by clicking on 'Shared Filters' [Fig1, 5]. The shared filters for the customer are shown (Shared by you or other team members for the customer). You can click 'Apply' against a filter to apply the filtering to results.
7) Recent Filters - Recently applied filters can be accessed by clicking 'Recently Used' [Fig1, 6]. When clicked, it shows the results as follows (Fig10).
You can apply the previously applied filters again by clicking on Apply or can delete from history by clicking on 'Delete'.
How to import Filters using JSON File
Filters created outside of cfxAIA application in JSON format can be imported.
Select Settings Menu (Fig11, 1) and then click on Filters(Fig11, 2) as shown below.
2. The filters view UI is displayed as shown in Fig12.
3. Users can import filter by clicking on 'Import' icon displayed under My Filters as shown in Fig13.
4. The following import filter view allows the json file to be uploaded as shown in Fig14.
In Fig14,1, click on Choose File to select file from local/network drive and click Next to import the filters.
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