
Organization Details

The overall reports, dashboards, app dependency, etc can be accessed when user navigates to AIA Application.

The users who has more than one organization assigned, will see the initial Overall page with details combined from all the organization. In such cases, if user wants to view a particular organization details, always click on 'My Organization' and Select Details on the organization.


The following Fig1, is an example Overall dashboard which defaults to Assets By POR.

Various Tabs available on Overall and sample visualizations are as follows.

Assets By POR

Displays assets by Plan Of Records covering assets by site type, device family, Hardware / Software Plan of Records etc.

Assets Utilization

Assets Utilization displays current utilization of assets including ports, active ports by family and site, etc. Sample Visualizations are as displayed below.

Assets By Product

This dashboard displays Assets by Product Family, Equipment Type, Software Type, etc. A sample visualization dashboard is as displayed below.

Assets By Location

This dashboard displays assets by site, location. A sample dashboard is as displayed.

Assets By EOL/EOS

This dashboard displays assets by End of Life / End Of Support by site, by region etc.

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