Configuration of cfxEdgeCollector

Configuration of cfxEdgeCollector

The following procedure describes necessary steps required to configure cfxEdgeCollector

1. Run cfxEdgeCollector configuration command. This is an onetime activity that a user will perform for setting up the configuration of cfxEdgeCollector. Once the user executes the commands, the command will perform the following tasks:

a. Create cfxEdgeCollector config directory (~/.cfxcollector)

b. Generates an SSH key pair for encryption/decryption of credentials.

c. Generate TLS Certs for SSL

2. Run the following commands to set up the basic configuration as described above.

cfxedgecollector configure --help

Configure Options:

The following are various configuration options provided via CLI

usage: cfxedgecollector configure [-h] [--securedir SECUREDIR]
                                  [--jobdir JOBDIR] [--datadir DATADIR]
                                  [--exporteddir EXPORTEDDIR]
                                  [--backupdir BACKUPDIR]
                                  [--configdir CONFIGDIR]
                                  [--password PASSWORD] [--name NAME]
                                  [--location LOCATION] [--update] [--migrate]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --securedir SECUREDIR
  --jobdir JOBDIR       Directory of Jobs
  --datadir DATADIR     Directory of data
  --exporteddir EXPORTEDDIR
                        Directory of exported data
  --backupdir BACKUPDIR
                        Directory of exported data
  --configdir CONFIGDIR
                        Custom configurations directory
  --password PASSWORD   Password for user cfxcollector to login to
                        cfxedgecollector UI
  --name NAME           Name of the Collector
  --location LOCATION   Location of the Collector (If you are running
                        collector in different datacenters, you can give
                        datacenter name or location)
  --update              Use this flag to update along with
  --migrate             Use this flag to migrate newly added UI components
                        from default job.json to existing job's job.json

Sample/Example Usage

Sample/Example Usage is as follows

cfxedgecollector configure --jobdir /opt/CloudFabrix/jobs --datadir /opt/CloudFabrix/data --exporteddir /opt/CloudFabrix/exporteddata --backupdir /opt/CloudFabrix/backup --config /opt/CloudFabrix/config --password password --name cfxEdgeCollector_DC1 --location DataCenter1

Once the user completes configuration, the cfxEdgeCollector UI module can be started by using “cfxedgecollector --start” command

cfxedgecollector --start

Enable cfxEdgeCollector service port 8888 under firewall service to access UI.

The user can access the cfxEdgeCollector UI using: https://<Host IP>:8888

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8888/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

cfxEdgeCollector will be running within the container. The user can verify the running instance status using the docker command(s).

The following cfxEdgeCollector UI start, stop, and other commands are available (as shown below). Users can get inline help as well (e.g. cfxedgecollector --help)

cfxedgecollector --start
cfxedgecollector --stop
cfxedgecollector --status
cfxedgecollector --version

Last updated