
Step by Step Instructions for Creating Dynatrace as a Datasource.


The following are pre-requisites for creating Dynatrace as a Datasource. It is used for Alert Notifications from Dynatrace and collecting Host/Application Configuration and Metrics & Logs on-demand.

1) Dynatrace SaaS Account

2) An API Key (Created on Dynatrace SaaS portal)

3) One or more Hosts or Applications or Databases being monitored by Dynatrace

Enabling API access on Dynatrace SaaS portal:

Step 1: Login to https://<your-environment-id>.live.dynatrace.com using your credentials

Step 2: Go to ‘Settings’ → ‘Integration’ → ‘Dynatrace API’

Step 3: Click on ‘Generate Token’, Enter a Name under ‘Token name’

Step 4: Enable below permissions for the API access

  • Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology

  • Read log contents

  • Read synthetic monitors, location and nodes

  • Read configuration

  • Log import

  • Read audit logs

Adding Dynatrace as DataSource:

Step 1: Login to cfxDimensions through web-browser UI (as Customer Admin user)

Step 2: Click on ‘Datasources’ app

Step 3: Click on ‘+’ button to add a new Datasource

Step 4: Enter ‘Datasource Name’

Step 5: Enter ‘Description’ (Optional)

Step 6: Leave ‘Requires Gateway Access’ as ‘No’ (Default)

Step 7: Select ‘Dynatrace’ as ‘Datasource Type’

Step 8: Enter Dynatrace SaaS URL (Ex: https://<your-environment-id>.live.dynatrace.com)

Step 9: Enter ‘Secret Token’ for API access (Refer ‘Prerequisites’ section for more details)

Step 10: Leave default Timeout value as 60 seconds

Step 11: Proxy Settings:

  • No Proxy: Select this option if there is no HTTP Proxy is configured in your environment for any outbound network access.

  • Use Platform Proxy: Select this option if there is HTTP Proxy is configured in your environment for any outbound network access. When this option is selected, this Datasource uses the HTTP proxy settings that were configured during initial cfxDimensions platform setup.

  • Use Custom Proxy: Select this option if there is HTTP Proxy is configured in your environment for any outbound network access. This option is needed when cfxDimensions platform setup is not configured with HTTP Proxy settings.

    • Enter HTTP Proxy server IP or DNS Name with port (Ex: or http-proxy.acme.com:80)

    • Enter HTTP Proxy username (Optional)

    • Enter HTTP Proxy password (Optional)

Step 12: Click on ‘Test Connectivity’ to verify the network access to Dynatrace SaaS account and credentials are valid.

Step 13: Click on ‘Save’ to create the Dynatrace datasource.

Create Webhook for incoming alerts from Dynatrace:

Step 1: Login to cfxDimensions through web-browser UI (as Customer Admin user)

Step 2: Click on ‘OIA Administration’ app

Step 3: Click on an existing Project

Step 4: Click on ‘Alert Sources’

Step 5: Click on ‘+’ button to add a new Alert source

Step 6: Enter ‘Alert Source Name’ (For example: Dynatrace Webhook)

Step 7: Enter ‘Description’ (Optional)

Step 8: Select ‘Alert Source’ as ‘Dynatrace’

Step 9: Enter ‘IP Address/DNS’ name of cfxDimentions Platform instance (It is the same IP Address/DNS name using which you are accessing the cfxDimensions Platform UI through a Web browser)

Step 10: Enter ‘Username’ & ‘Password’

Step 11: Click on ‘Save’

Step 12: Click on burger menu (three dot button) of Dynatrace Webhook that you have created and click on ‘View Details’ to view the Webhook URL and credentials

Configure Dynatrace Alert Notifications using Webhook:

Step 1: Login to https://<your-environment-id>.live.dynatrace.com using your credentials

Step 2: Go to ‘Settings’ → ‘Integration’ → ‘Problem notifications’

Step 3: Click on ‘Setup notifications’

Step 4: Click on ‘Custom Integration’ (Webhook)

Step 5: Enter the ‘Webhook Name’

Step 6: Copy & Paste the Webhook URL that was generated for Dynatrace alerts under OIA Administration in the previous section

Step 7: Select ‘Accept any SSL certificate’ option “ONLY” if you want to ignore self-signed certificate warning. (Caution: It is highly recommended to install CA signed certificate on cfxDimensions platform and do not select this option for security reasons)

Step 8: Click on ‘Create basic authorization header’ to add Username & Password for the Webhook (Please refer previous section)

Step 9: Under ‘Custom Payload’, Enter the below Alert fields.


Step 10: Select ‘Alerting Profile’

Step 11: Click on ‘Send test notification’ to verify it is able to send a ‘Test Alert’ successfully to cfxDimensions platform.

Step 12: Click on ‘Save’ to commit the Webhook notification settings.

Last updated