Winlogbeat (Windows)

Configuration of log shipper 'Winlogbeat'

This section explains how you can configure 'Winlogbeat' like a log shipper.

In order for winlogbeat component from the Windows environment to send the log details to the event gateway, users have to configure two elements.

  1. Event Gateway Endpoint

  2. Winlogbeat configuration

Step 1:

An example Event Gateway Endpoint configuration is captured in the below configuration snippet

Gateway Endpoint:
- name: winlog_01 # URL is implicit, http://ip:port/winlogs
  type: filebeat
  stream: winlogbeat
  ssl: false
  enabled: true
  xpack_features: min
    site_code: win-dc
  port: 8508

An example windows based winlogbeat configuration is captured in the below configuration snippet.

Update winlogbeat.yaml file with elastic search details as event gateway IP address:

Step 2:

  # Array of hosts to connect to.
  hosts: ["http://eventgatewayip:8508/winlogs"]
#Example configuration

  # Array of hosts to connect to.
  hosts: [""]

Step 3:

Restart winlogbeat services from Powershell from the winlogbeat installed path

stop-service winlogbeat
start-service winlogbeat

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