Creating Custom Dashboards
Custom Dashboards contain user selected Widgets, Composite Metrics and can be exported to PDF or also scheduled for e-mail delivery as a periodic report.
Custom Dashboards feature allows creation of multiple customized dashboards, generate reports and e-mail to users, and periodically generate reports on a scheduled basis, that can be either one time in future or on a recurring basis.
Key features include:
Custom Dashboards: Web page with user selected widgets, custom metric widgets, with time range selection
Report: PDF version of the dashboard export
E-Mail Report: PDF report generated to any user with e-mail address
Scheduled Report: Scheduled report can be of two types:
One-time: Export the dashboard to PDF, store in my documents and email to users one time in future.
Recurring: Export the dashboard to PDF, store in my documents and email to users on a recurring basis (Ex: Every 5th of the month, every 1st Monday of the month etc.)
These dashboards represent live data and time range filters allow viewing data for desired duration (ex: Week, Month etc.). All generated reports are also available in Documents section for later reference and archival purpose.
Create Dashboard
Step-1: Go to Custom Dashboards: Open Top Left Navigation Menu and Navigate to Administration > Manage Dashboards > Custom Dashboards
Step-2: Create Custom Dashboard.
Click on + Add button to create a new dashboard
Add Widgets to Dashboard
Select any widget/graph you would like to add to Custom Dashboard and click on top right
Adding a Metric Trend Graph
This Widget is now added to the Dashboard. Repeat the process to add any trend graph or tabular report to the Dashboard.
Adding a Donut Chart
Adding a Tabular Report
Following example shows how to Add Critical Alarms tabular widget to Dashboard
Click on the Donut chart slice and click on View Details
Repeat the process for other tabular report widgets.
Viewing Custom Dashboard
Go to Top Left Navigation > Dashboards
Launch desired Dashboard by clicking on Launch button
Clicking on the desired dashboard will open the dashboard and show data for the widgets that were added to the dashboard. In this case, open ‘Core Switches Health’ Dashboard
Adjusting Dashboard Layout
Dashboard Builder feature helps in changing the layout of the Dashboard to re-arrange widgets that are more relevant or meaningful to be at top/bottom or at one place.
Before adjusting layout
After adjusting layout
To adjust layout:
Navigate to Administration > Manage Dashboards > Custom Dashboards
Click on Dashboard name to Go to Dashboard Builder page
Click on Layout Settings > Select Fixed Layout
Change Size/Order of Widgets by dragging/re-sizing the widgets
Creating New Composite Metric Graph
Composite metric graph is an advanced trend graph which consists of multiple trend lines, typically from multiple devices. This feature allows users to create graphs to address more complex scenarios. Few examples include:
Availability trend graph of 5 core switches in one composite graph
Interface-out utilization trend on 5 WAN circuits
CPU utilization trend of 2x web servers, 2x app servers, 1x DB server
More …
Note: Currently the feature limits adding up to 5 trend lines in composite graph
Following is an example of composite graph that shows Interface-out utilization of two switches
Fig: Example of Memory / CPU Utilization for Two Switches
To create Composite Metric
Open Dashboard Builder
Click on ‘Create Metrics’
Click on Select the Customer
Select desired Assets. In this example, we will select 3 switches from our Prod environment.
You can search for desired assets based on name or using filter criteria.
Select desired Metrics. In this example, we will select Availability metric
Select Components if any. In this case, simply skip Components as it is not applicable for Availability metric. However, if you selected CPU or Memory type of metric, you would see selection for Overall CPU, CPU-0, CPU-1 etc.
Provide a Name and Description to the metric and click Finish
New Composite Metric is Automatically added to the Custom Dashboard as well.
Create Report from Dashboard
Report is a PDF version of Dashboard that contains data as per time range selection.
When a Dashboard contains a tabular report, the archive file also contains the export of tabular data as a CSV file.
E-Mail Report
Report can be E-mailed to users registered within the system.
E-mail, along with report attachment will be sent to target recipient.
Scheduling Report Creation
Report can be scheduled to be generated periodically.
Go to Dashboard. Click on Top Menu > Export to PDF
Set the desired schedule in Schedule Report
Viewing Reports in Portal
Go to Left Navigation > Documents – My Documents
Locate the Dashboard and Download the Report
Last updated